Friday, May 10, 2013

New Addition!!!!!

So I told you guys the other day that I was looking at adding something new to the blog. Right now my blog plan was to introduce a new crocheted item weekly ....the "Bite of the Week" and to have tutorials on other crafts ...the "Craft Attacks".
Do you notice a theme in the titles....yes yes I know....i'm a dork...but you know you love it. 

I had originally planned to include some recipes in the "Crafts Attacks" but it just didn't seem to fit. So with the help of an awesome friend of mine (owner of a cute bow shop "Bunnie Bows") I came up with one more fun thing to blog about.

I'll be sharing different recipes I try and come up with and calling it...

Shark Bait 

It makes me think of Finding Nemo (see the video if you don't remember that part) but I it fits nicely with my theme and the content.


So for my first "Shark Bait" i'll be sharing Baked Taco Bowls!

Let me just tell you that I love taco salad...I like the flavors of the meat and cheese with all the lettuce combined with the crunch of the taco bowl. However, they are usually fried in bad for you oil and loaded with calories and I always feel so heavy after I eat one at a restaurant...which really isn't that often cause i'm cheap :)

After searching through numerous recipes and blogs, I found a method that I love for baking them. You get the same crunch without tons of oil.

So here we go....

 Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
 Find some mason jars (or any glass or oven safe jar of similar shape and size) and a cookie sheet. Turn those bad boys upside down.

 Brush some oil onto the sides and top of the jar (this will keep the tortilla from sticking to it). I use coconut oil but any oil you like will do.

 Now lightly brush some oil onto your tortilla (these are whole wheat).

Drape your tortilla oiled side UP on top of your lightly oiled mason jar. It won't look perfect but the point is for it to be bowl like....not a perfect shape.
Here are my 3 headed into the oven. You'll want to move the rack of your oven down to make room for the height of the mason jars.

Bake them for about 10 minutes then pull them out and carefully take them off the mason jars (they will be hot so be very careful)

They made need a little more crisping up so you can put them back in the oven like this for another minute or two but watch them carefully.

 Now fill those beautiful taco bowls with whatever you find delicious in a taco salad!


I hope you enjoyed this first ever "Shark Bait" and if you try it out let me know how it goes.


  1. AWESOME! I never thought of draping the tortillas over mason jars! Does this work just as well when you make your own tortillas? And how about with corn? And thanks for the mention!! You're the best, Sam!!

    1. This does work well with your own tortillas as long as they are large enough to drape. Corn, however, won't drape well. You can turn them into corn tortilla chips though...I'll be blogging about that on friday!
